So, you’ve finished your head and now you’re ready to add some paws to the mix. PAW-some! Get it? I’m very funny. Am doggo.

There are a number of different types of hand paws. 4 fingers, 5 fingers, puffy, more realistic, etc. I prefer the puffy paw type myself. Below you’ll find a list of commonly required supplies as well as a number of video tutorials. The supplies may vary a little depending on what style you’re going to make, and you may have some things left over from your head (fur, thread, etc).

Either way, adding paws is an awesome way to take your suiting to the next level!



Please note the links supplied here are simply SUGGESTIONS and you are welcome to substitute whatever products you feel appropriate. The only things you should avoid are things that can hold moisture like cardboard or other paper products, and low-quality fur.